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12 Annoying Habits That Make People Hate Other Humans

Let's face it, we all encounter certain individuals whose habits and behaviours drive us absolutely bonkers. From the person who chomps on their food like a chainsaw to the one who takes an eternity to order when there's a massive queue behind them, these annoying habits can make us question our faith in humanity. So get ready to nod your head in agreement as I dive into the realm of infuriating human behaviour and list the most annoying habits (for me anyway).

12 Irritating Habits That Make People Hate Other People

1. Eating Too Loudly

The sound of someone munching away like a camel is enough to make you question whether they were raised by humans or not. Please, for the love of sanity, close your mouth and chew with some decency.

2. Taking Forever to Order

You're waiting in a long queue, stomach growling, and your patience wearing thin. And then you encounter that one person who seems to have an internal debate about every item on the menu. I mean I can be indecisive, but c'mon if people are waiting, just hurry the f*ck up and pick something.

Read this post if you're an indecisive Irene: 15 Helpful Tips for Indecisive People.

3. Driving Like an Idiot

We've all witnessed drivers who believe they're auditioning for the next instalment of 'The Fast and the Furious.' Speeding, weaving through traffic, and tailgating is not only dangerous but also incredibly aggravating. To top it off, there’s still people who think it’s okay to talk on the phone, without using the hands-free.

Photo by Alexandre Boucher on Unsplash

4. Talking Loudly on the Phone in Public

Picture this: You're on a train, desperately trying to enjoy some peace and quiet when suddenly, a person starts a phone conversation at a volume that could rival a rock concert. Seriously, nobody needs to hear your intimate details or your shouting match with your significant other.

5. Being Chronically Late

If time were a currency, some people would be forever bankrupt. They show up late to every event, leaving you twiddling your thumbs and questioning why you bothered to arrive on time.

6. Being a Constant Complainer

We all have our moments of venting and frustration, but there are some individuals who take complaining to a whole new level. Every interaction becomes an opportunity for them to unleash their negativity and drain the energy from the room. Do all conversations have to be so dull?

7. Not Cleaning up After Themselves

Leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, these individuals seem to believe that cleaning up is someone else's job. Whether it's leaving their trash behind or neglecting to wash their dishes, their lack of consideration for shared spaces can drive even the calmest person to the brink of madness.

8. Constantly Interrupting Others

Have you ever encountered that person who simply can't wait their turn to speak? They constantly interrupt, bulldozing over others' thoughts and opinions, making you want to give up trying to say what you wanted.

9. Invading Personal Space

There's a certain comfort in having personal space respected. Unfortunately, some individuals seem to have a magnetic force field that draws them closer and closer, invading your bubble of personal space. Even when it's obvious that you're backing away, trying to create a gap, they don't take the hint and just move closer still. It’s even worse when you’re on a train and it's a stranger who is standing closer than necessary, or sits right next to you when the carriage is pretty much empty. Back off, my friend, and give us all some breathing room. P.S. Your breath smells of coffee.

Photo by David Salamanca on Unsplash

10. Excessive Selfie-Taking

We get it, you look fabulous, but do you really need to upload selfies every 5 minutes, when they all look pretty much identical? Excessive selfie-taking can quickly become tiresome, which makes you wonder if some people have developed an allergic reaction to simply being present in the moment.

11. Endless Social Media Updates

It's not just selfies that are shared constantly. Oh no. Some individuals have turned social media into a written commentation of their life, updating the world on every mundane detail of their day. From their breakfast choices to their bathroom breaks, no aspect of their life is too trivial for the public eye. Can we bring back a little mystery and privacy, please?

12. Being a Chronic Flake

Making plans with these individuals is like navigating a minefield of uncertainty. They're notorious for cancelling at the last minute or simply not showing up without any explanation but you give them the benefit of the doubt each time.

These are just a few examples of the habits that can make us question our faith in humanity. But remember, we're all imperfect beings trying to navigate our way through life as best as we can.

Have you encountered any of these habits? Are there other annoying behaviours that make your blood boil? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let's rant together!