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15 Helpful Tips for Indecisive People

Are you one of those people who find themselves stuck in a never-ending loop of indecision? Well, welcome to the club! Trust me, I've mastered the art of being indecisive, and it's a skill I'd happily do without.

Quite often I’ll pop into a newsagent, all set to grab a cream soda because that's what I fancy, but then I'm paralysed by the myriad of other options staring back at me. Panic sets in, and I end up standing there, hesitating until the shopkeeper probably assumes I'm about to steal something and run. And then after considering my options for far longer than necessary, I end up purchasing a cream soda. Who'd have thought?

But apparently, I'm not the only one! When I chat with my friends, they all say they're just as bad. So it seems like we all have our moments of uncertainty. Of course, there are many more important decisions to make in life that actually matter. The good news is, through my numerous bouts of decision-making madness, I've learnt a few tips that might just help you too.

Tips to Help Improve Your Decision-Making Skills

1. "What's the Worst That Can Happen?"

Seriously, ask yourself this. It might sound scary, but confronting the worst-case scenario can oddly put your mind at ease. Plus, it helps you see that the consequences might not be as dire as you initially imagined.

2. Forget About Pleasing Everyone Else

This decision is yours, and yours alone. Trust your gut and follow your heart. Worrying about what others will say or think will only prolong the process and make things even tougher.

3. Avoid Overthinking

Sounds obvious, I know. But you know that first thought that pops into your head? Yep, it's usually the one you'll end up going with. But if you let your mind run wild with too many thoughts, you'll end up buried under a pile of options, and making a choice will feel like mission impossible! So trust your gut.

Photo by Burst on Unsplash

4. Seek Advice From a Trusted Friend

Sometimes, a fresh perspective can be just what you need to see things clearly. Talk it out with someone you trust, and you might find that a path forward becomes clearer.

5. Set a Time Limit for Decision-Making

Deadlines can be magical motivators. Give yourself a specific timeframe to make the call, and you'll be amazed at how efficiently you can assess your options. Have a small decision to make that doesn’t affect your life in any way? Give yourself a couple of minutes. Have a life-changing decision to make? Don’t rush, but try not to give yourself longer than a week or two.

6. Embrace the Power Of "Pros and Cons" Lists

Grab a piece of paper (or open a notes app on your phone) and list all the pros and cons of each option. Seeing it visually can make the decision-making process less daunting.

7. Visualise the Outcomes

Close your eyes and imagine yourself having made each choice. How does it feel? What does success look like for each option? Your gut feeling might just speak louder in these moments of reflection.

8. Flip a Coin, Metaphorically

When you can't decide between two options, assign each one to a side of the coin. Before you flip it, notice your reaction - do you secretly hope for one side to land face up? That might be the answer you're seeking.

9. Learn From Past Decisions

Take a moment to reflect on decisions you've made before and the outcomes that followed. Recognise patterns and use this knowledge to make smarter choices moving forward.

10. Consider the Long-Term Impact

It's easy to focus on immediate results but think about how your decision might affect your future. Sometimes, the best choice is the one that aligns with your long-term goals.

11. Step out of Your Comfort Zone

Making decisions can be scary, especially when they involve change. Embrace the discomfort and take a leap of faith - it could lead you to exciting new opportunities.

Photo by Jan Genge on Unsplash

12. Practice Decision-Making in Low-Stakes Situations

Start with small choices, like what to have for dinner or which movie to watch. Building your decision-making muscles in these low-pressure scenarios will boost your confidence for bigger choices.

13. Embrace Imperfection

Remember, there's rarely a "perfect" choice in life. Give yourself permission to make mistakes; it's all part of the learning process.

14. Trust Your Instincts

Often, your intuition knows what's right for you. Don't ignore that inner voice; it's a powerful guide.

15. Reward Yourself for Making Decisions

Celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement will make decision-making feel like a more enjoyable journey.

So next time you’re faced with choosing to accept a new job, moving house, or something else that requires a big decision to be made that you’re struggling with, try these strategies! Soon you'll be navigating through choices with ease and confidence - even if you just can’t decide what drink to buy like me. Good luck!