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11 Lesser-Known Reasons Why People Love Working Remotely

The post-pandemic world has brought about unprecedented changes in our lives, particularly in the realm of work. Gone are the days of the traditional 9-5 office-based jobs, where employees were expected to commute and spend the entire day within the confines of an office, even though their tasks could easily be accomplished from the comfort of their own homes.

Remote working was once considered a luxury enjoyed by only a select few. However, in recent years, things have shifted dramatically. The UK's lockdown measures forced companies to adjust and find ways to maintain business operations while their employees remained at home in isolation. Consequently, working from home became the new norm for those fortunate enough to have that option, and surprisingly, it didn't take long for people to embrace it.

Even though now, things have pretty much returned to the way things were before coronavirus rudely crept into the world and disrupted our lives, hybrid working models have replaced working from an office 5 days a week, and employees now have the opportunity to split their working days between home and office working.

So, why is working remotely so appealing? While you may have come across some of the common benefits, many lesser-known reasons contribute to its growing popularity. In this post, I'll explore eleven unique and compelling reasons why people have fallen in love with the remote work lifestyle. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised!

11 Reasons to Switch to Remote Working

1. Less Awkward Small Talk

There's nothing more uncomfortable than the awkward small talk you have with colleagues you don't know that well in the kitchen to break the silence. Unfortunately, you can't choose your colleagues, and if there are people that you dislike, working near them for 8 hours a day can be torturous. At least in a Zoom call, you can pretend your screen is frozen or that the sound is lagging if you find yourself in an awkward moment.

2. Challenge Your Memory

You can play a great game of chance! Will you remember to take the washing out of the machine that you put on during your lunch break, or will you completely forget about it for two days and leave it there to fester? It's a 50/50 chance! Give it a try; it's fun!

3. You Can Let Off Steam More Often

After a tedious or stressful meeting, you can dramatically shut your laptop, scream, then reopen your laptop and carry on with your day without disturbing anyone (maybe give your family a heads up if they're close by).

You can also squeeze a stress ball while listening to an irritating colleague speak or flip them off out of the view of the camera while smiling and nodding along.

4. No More Commuting Stress

This one's pretty obvious, as most people loathe the commute. Whether you’re driving to work, or sitting on a bus or train, you can pretty much guarantee it’s going to be a stressful journey. If you’re driving, you’re probably going to be stuck in traffic for ages, dealing with other angry road users. If you’re having to get the train or bus, you’re also likely to be held up, but with a large group of other people in a confined space. A morning without stress means you’re likely to have a calmer day.

Also, why is there always one person who sits or stands closer to you than necessary on the train, making you feel even more claustrophobic? And don't get me started on those who put their bags on the floor when standing in a packed carriage. They constantly bend down to rummage through it, which means if you're standing behind them, their backside is now pressed right up against your groin. There's not much you can do about it because there's no room to turn anywhere. Ugh!

5. More Free Time

If you get up at the same time as you would if you had to commute, then you have an extra hour or so to yourself. You can go for a walk and listen to music, go out for a lovely breakfast, or if you’d rather spend some extra time in bed, having a lay-in, why not? If you’d normally spend two hours a day commuting, that’s an extra 10 hours a week you get back to do what you want with.

6. You Can Work From Your Comfort Zone

You can work from your comfort zone, which leaves you feeling more relaxed and comfortable. Prefer to work from your beanbag chair? Sounds lovely! Sitting in a deck chair in the garden with your feet in a paddling pool and your laptop balanced on your lap? That sounds great! Or do you fancy travelling for a bit and working from a new location? You have the freedom to do so.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

7. Never Having to Miss a Parcel Delivery

Working from home means you can ensure that you'll always get your packages on time. Though, to be fair, why is it that you can be in all week, and the one short time that you pop out, the delivery man arrives with a parcel for you that you forgot you ordered?

8. It's Easier for Working Parents

Those who have young children have a hectic morning before their working day has even started - what with having to get the kids up and ready and drop them off at school. Being able to work from home means you can do the school run without worrying about being late to show up at work. Also, if your child is sick and has to stay home, then you won't have to take the day off work as you're already able to be at home with them (though they may drive you insane, and you'll have to listen to cartoons all day).

9. Enhanced Focus and Productivity

Working remotely can provide an environment that promotes enhanced focus and productivity. Without the distractions commonly found in a bustling office, remote workers have the opportunity to create a workspace tailored to their needs. This could be a quiet room, a designated home office, or even a cosy corner in a coffee shop. By eliminating interruptions and optimising their work environment, individuals can focus better on their tasks, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

10. Access to Global Opportunities

Remote work opens up a world of global opportunities. When location is no longer a limitation, individuals can work for companies or clients from anywhere in the world. This not only expands job prospects but also offers the chance to collaborate with diverse teams and gain exposure to different cultures and perspectives. While a lot of jobs may require you to work in a certain country or to be in a specific timezone, there are still plenty of jobs out there that take on employees from all over the world.

11. Positive Environmental Impact

Last but certainly not least, remote work has a positive environmental impact. With fewer people commuting to offices, there is a significant reduction in carbon emissions associated with transportation. This shift towards remote work can contribute to combating climate change by lowering air pollution and reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. Additionally, remote work reduces the need for large office spaces, leading to less energy consumption and waste generation. So working remotely is great for those who want to be more environmentally friendly.

So, if you're still in the office 5 days a week and are considering switching to a hybrid or fully remote role, then it could be the right move for you. For those who love to interact in person with others regularly but would still love to be able to work from home sometimes, then hybrid working may be just the thing for you. If you’re not a people person and have always been comfortable in your own company and working space, then fully remote working could be your saviour.

Any other reasons that you love working remotely that I've missed? Leave a comment and let me know!