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22 Things Most Mums Say To Their Kids

Ah, kids. They probably feel like us mums nag non-stop, and let’s face it, we probably do. But sometimes, it’s for a good reason, right?

Mums are typically expected to be the primary caregiver and keep the household running smoothly, all while working, trying to show their kids as much attention as possible or staying on top of the chores - often all at the same time. Yes, it’s 2023, but let’s face it, a mother's load is hard to drop. Mums are usually the ones that end up taking on more responsibilities than they can manage without burning out.

Being a parent is tough. It’s exhausting, and having half an hour to yourself is a luxury that you don’t always get to have. So when you do, you aim to make the most of it, but the reality is, you just want to chill out interrupted and do absolutely nothing but enjoy the sound of silence without an irritating voice screaming, “muuuuuuuuuuuuum I want to watch this” or “muuuum I need a snack”. What a joy kids are to be around sometimes *smiles through gritted teeth*.

It’s not until you become a parent yourself that you totally understand where your mum was coming from and why she nagged you so much when you were growing up. There are probably hundreds of things your mum would often repeat to you when you were acting up, which drove you mad, but now to your horror, you find yourself saying the same things.

There are certain phrases in particular that mums are known to repeat like a broken record. Let’s see if any ring a bell…

Here Are 22 Things Mums Say to Their Kids Pretty Often

1. Go to your room!

2. Wait and see

3. Ask your father

4. Say pardon, not ‘what’

5. Back in my day...

6. What did your last slave die of?

7. No pudding until you’ve eaten all your dinner

8. I’ve told you so many times

9. You’ll have someone's eye out with that!

10. If someone asked you to jump off a cliff, would you?

11. I want never gets

12. Trust me, it will all end in tears

13. If you eat all your carrots, you’ll be able to see in the dark

14. Who is she, the cat's mother?

15. Don’t pull that face, if the wind changes it will stay like that forever

16. If you sit that close to the TV you’ll get square eyes

17. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

18. Take your coat off when you get inside or you won’t feel the benefit when you go outside

19. Close the door, you weren’t born in a barn

20. Because I said so

21. There is no such word as can’t

22. I don’t care if your dying, you’re going to school

Sound familiar? Thought so. As much as mums may nag, it’s only because they care and want their kids to look after themselves and grow up with a positive attitude. Or to put it bluntly - don’t end up a spoilt brat!

Can you think of any common phrases that have been missed? Leave a comment and share the phrases you find yourself saying most often, or your mum's most memorable catchphrases.