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How to Use Your Phone Less: The Slow Breakup

Are you tired of feeling like your phone is the clingy partner you can't escape? Are you constantly swiping, scrolling, and double-tapping, only to realise you've lost hours of your life in a digital haze? (Me too!) It's time to break free from the endless grip of your phone and embark on a slow and satisfying breakup.

After receiving daily notifications from Apple, telling me how much screen time I had, I was truly disappointed in myself - most days, it was between 6 to 8 hours. I would reach for my phone to quickly look for something on Amazon or set myself a reminder - both of which are tasks which should take only minutes - and end up glued to my phone for the next 2 hours without completing my original task. I spent months in this cycle - actually, if I'm honest with myself, I went through many phases over several years - and only now am I in a place where I feel I have a healthy relationship with my phone.

Though the steps I went through were simple enough to follow, it took me ages to stick with it, and I had to constantly remind myself how unhealthy constant phone use is. Now I'm so proud of myself for not picking up my phone all the time - and only using it when I have a real purpose - and ready to share some tips that work.

So let's dive into the ultimate guide to free yourself from excessive phone usage. Get ready for the most epic breakup of your life!

10 Steps to Unglue Yourself From Your Phone

1. Admit You Have a Problem

Okay, it's time for a reality check. We've all been there, mindlessly checking our phones every few minutes because we think we’re bored. But it's time to admit that we might have a problem. Take a long, hard look at your phone habits and acknowledge that it's time to make a change. Trust me, this breakup is going to be the best thing that ever happened to you.

2. Establish Some Ground Rules

Just like any relationship, you need to set some boundaries. It's time to take charge and establish when and how you'll engage with your phone. Create designated time slots for checking messages and scrolling through social media. And don't worry, the world won't end if you don't reply to that notification right away. Remember, you're the boss here.

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

3. Rediscover Life Beyond the Screen

As you break free from excessive phone usage, it's important to find alternative activities to fill the void. We often turn to our phones out of sheer boredom. But guess what? There's a whole universe out there waiting to be explored! Instead of reaching for your phone out of habit, have a list of engaging hobbies or tasks ready. It could be anything from going for a walk, reading, journaling, or learning a new skill.

Find activities that truly ignite your passion and make you forget about the digital realm. Believe me, the real world is way more captivating than any Instagram feed. By replacing phone time with activities that bring you joy and fulfilment, you'll gradually reduce your reliance on technology. You'll realise that life is so much more vibrant when you're actively participating in it, rather than passively observing it through a screen.

4. Customise Your Digital Universe

You're the captain of your digital ship, so take control of your environment. Unfollow those accounts that make you feel inadequate or trigger comparisonitis. Filter out the noise from your inbox and unsubscribe from newsletters that clutter your mind. It's time to Marie Kondo your digital life and surround yourself with content that sparks joy and inspiration.

5. Embrace Human Connections

In a world of likes and comments, let's not forget the beauty of genuine human connections. Schedule quality time with your loved ones without screens. Engage in real conversations, where eye contact and laughter prevail over emojis. The joy and connection you'll experience will make your phone feel like a distant memory.

6. Master the Art of Mindful Phone Usage

Instead of mindlessly scrolling, let's bring mindfulness into our digital interactions. Pause for a moment and ask yourself, 'Do I really need to check my phone right now?' Be aware of your intentions and choose consciously how you engage with technology. By being mindful, you'll break free from autopilot mode and truly savour each moment.

7. Celebrate Progress, Imperfections, and Unplugged Moments

Remember, this breakup isn't about perfection. It's about progress and reclaiming control over your life. Celebrate every small victory along the way, whether it's an hour without reaching for your phone or a day spent unplugged in nature. Embrace the imperfect moments and the freedom they bring. You're on a journey to rediscover yourself beyond the glowing screen.

8. Silence the Noise: Turn Off Non-Essential Notifications

Notifications can be major distractions in our lives, constantly pulling us back into the digital realm. It's time to take control and silence the noise. Assess your apps and determine which ones truly require your immediate attention. Messages from loved ones and important work-related notifications can stay, but do you really need to know every time someone likes your latest Instagram post? Just because someone has engaged with you, it doesn’t mean they deserve your full attention at that exact moment.

Take a few moments to go through your notification settings and turn off alerts for non-essential apps. This simple step will help you reclaim your focus and reduce the constant urge to check your phone. Remember, you're the one in charge, not your apps.

Did you know… The average smartphone owner will click, tap or swipe their phone 2,617 times a day - According to SlickText). That’s an absolutely shocking number and should worry anyone!

9. Designate Tech-Free Zones

To strengthen your slow breakup with your phone, create designated tech-free zones in your daily routine. For example, make your bathroom a sacred space where phones are not allowed. Let it be a sanctuary for self-care and being alone with your thoughts, free from the buzzing and beeping of notifications.

You can also establish specific times during the day when you'll disconnect from your phone completely. It could be during meals, workouts, or even an hour before bedtime. Use this time to fully immerse yourself in the present moment and engage with the world around you. Trust me, it's amazing what you'll discover when you're not constantly glued to a screen. If you need a gentle push, put your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode at a certain time every day to help you stick to it.

10. Make Your Phone Less Appealing to Look at

It may sound silly, but if you have a basic case for your phone that’s not overly attractive to look at, then it may stop tempting you to pick it up or look over at it. Or if your phone case has a ring holder or phone grip then you could be likely to hold it and doom scroll for longer because it’s no effort to look at it while you’re doing other things.

Another change you can make is to your phone's visual settings. Set your screen to black and white, then it’s harder for things to catch your eye and keep hold of your attention. I have never tried this particular tip myself as I managed to (almost) cure my phone addiction before I got around to testing this, but I have heard that this has helped many people and is highly recommended.

Your Journey to a More Exciting Life Starts Now

It's time to reclaim your time, attention, and focus from the clutches of your phone. Start your slow breakup today, become more present and experience the freedom that comes with using your phone less. Remember, it's a journey, so be patient with yourself and celebrate every small step forward.

Share your progress with me on Twitter or Instagram @imlaurengreen so I can encourage you along the way! Your future self will thank you when you become more productive and less screen-obsessed.