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How to Be a Proper Adult (Even Though You Want to Opt Out)

When you’re a child, all you want to do is grow up faster so you can be more independent and avoid the nagging and rules set by your parents.

You count down the days until your 18th birthday and think of all the things that you'll be able to do. You're excited about being able to buy alcohol and get a tattoo if you please! There are soooo many things that you have the freedom to do now; the possibilities are endless!

Then along come the responsibilities of adult life...

You are classed as an adult, which means you need to have some level of maturity. Personally, I thought I'd feel more grown-up once I became a mum, but hey, I'm still a big kid at heart. Being an adult is so full-on! Finding a job, having your own place, staying on top of all the bills, doing housework, WHERE IS THE PAUSE BUTTON??

Unfortunately, there is no rewind button in life, so once you’re an adult, you are expected to act like one and not a two-year-old throwing a tantrum every time you don't get your own way.

Life is hard. Parents try their best to guide their children along the way, but we all learn our life lessons. Here's a list of the main points I have picked up on over the years.

5 Life Tips to Help You Keep Your Sh*t Together as an Adult

1. Treat People the Way You Want to Be Treated

In other words, don’t be an arsehole and talk down to people. Be considerate, treat everyone with kindness and you'll be respected an awful lot more. Remember that you can never know what's going on in someone's life and most people are struggling with something.

2. Remember That You Have an Alarm Clock for a Reason

When you set your alarm for work in the morning, try to resist the urge to smack the snooze button repeatedly for the next half an hour, while you consider if you actually need a job. We all quickly jump out of bed when we suddenly remember that we need a job to buy food and shit right?

3. Manage Your Finances Better

When payday arrives, you may feel like a millionaire when a chunk of money has appeared in your account - for all of 5 seconds until you remember it will be gone immediately. But instead of piling up your Amazon basket, try and be at least a bit more responsible. Get your bills paid and out the way (or make a note of the date and amount due), and then look at what money you have left over and spread it over the remaining time until the next payday. That way you know exactly how much you have left to spend and won't be surprised by money coming out of your account due to a bill you forgot about.

4. Learn to Think on Your Feet

There's no one to turn to when you make a mess of something, so you have to deal with it yourself. (I'm gutted this means that when I drop crumbs on the floor - which is frequently - that I'm responsible for sweeping them up so future me doesn't step on them and get annoyed at past me.)

5. Improve Your Listening Skills

When people talk to you, show that you're listening and make them feel heard. Especially if people are opening up about something personal. Offer sensible advice and reassurance and they will be truly grateful. If you don't have any good advice to give then you can show your support by just being present and giving them the time they need to get things off their chest.

If in doubt, look at fellow adults that you think do alright and see how they react to certain situations - you may learn a trick or two!

Any tips to share? Let me know in the comments!